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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Prof. C. Upender Rao, JNU, recent lectures in Latvia university, Riga

Prof. C. Upender Rao

Prof. C. Upender rao, from Jawaharlal Nehru university, will soon be visiting the Latvian University in Riga on 9th of this month for giving lectures on various topics of  Indic studies. JNU is sending professor for delivering lectures in Riga. 

The Latvian parliamentary member Dr. Romualds Razuks invited prof. rao for giving a lecture in Parliament annexe of Latvia on world peace. The University of Latvia in Riga has invited Prof. C. Upender Rao to give lectures on following topics at the University of Latvia:

 Introduction to Vedanta (with reference to Dvaita, Advaita and vishishtadvaita)

Buddhist philosophy (with special reference to the Twelve links' chain of the dependent origination/Paticcha-samuppada)

Introduction to Sankhya philosophy

Kalidasa and his Similes

What are the figures of speeches used in Sanskrit poetry?” 

The role Pali literature in understanding Indian culture”.

Prof. Dr. C. Upender Rao, is now working as a Professor of Sanskrit and Pali in School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies, at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He was Chairperson of Centre for Sanskrit Studies at J N U. He was Visiting Professor on ICCR chair in Cambodia and was teaching in Buddhist University in Phnom Penh. Prof. Rao has edited and authored 20 books. At present he is working on various Indological issues in south East Asia. He recently presented his paper in Vietnam on Indian Culture in Sanskrit inscriptions of Cambodia.   

His recent (August, 2018) presentation on ‘Akshara purushottama philosophy’ in WAVES conference held in Dallas, USA was applauded by many scholars. In the month of April this year he delivered lectures in  two universities in Lithuania. 

He also presented his peace lecture in Lithuania Parliament annexe. He was a visiting professor in National University of Keiv Mohyla Academy, at Keiv in Ukrain, and L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan and taught Sanskrit language and Buddhist philosophy in these places. 

In the month of April, 2018 he delivered various speeches in Lithuania including his main speech in the annex of Lithuanian parliament. He taught Sanskrit in the month of June, 2018 in Hue Quang Buddhist monastery of Hociminh city in Vietnam.

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